Aktuelles aus dem Landheim Ammersee

Advent Tournament

Hockey Advent Tournament at the Landheim

This weekend the anual hockey advent tournament took place at our sports hall. mehr...
Frau Buchman at the Landheim

A warm welcome at our primary school, Frau Buchman

We welcome our new primary school teacher and Deputy Vice Director. mehr...
The Regensburger Domspatzen visit the Landheim

The Regensburger Domspatzen visit the Landheim

On the 4th of december the Regensburger Dompsatzen had a great perfomance of their christmas concert in our fully sold out assembly hall at the Landheim. mehr...
Augsburger Allgemeine

Press Release: The Landheim - Landsberger Tagblatt 12/07/2016

A highlight before Christmas - the Regensburger Domspatzen visit the Landheim. mehr...